Religion Is A Failure...Or Not


"The history of religion shows it has ruined humanity and is a failure."

Actually you have it backwards - the history of IRRELIGION has brought us to our miserable state.

We shall consider briefly the main outlines of Christian civilization.

- During the first 300 years, Christianity met, fought, and conquered the paganism of the Roman Empire.

- Then it set to work to Christianize Europe. It was both supernatural and spiritual in those days.
It taught the authority of a God beyond this world, and persuaded rulers and subjects alike to acknowledge His laws. There was but one Faith in Europe - the Catholic Faith. This was what Christ, Himself, instituted and set in motion.

To be clear, Europe was not free from troubles. Men are always self-centered, and so the world will never be free of trouble. But those are the troubles of the world of men, not of God.
But at least there was a recognized, international law; and the mechanism was there to further its observance.
The Catholic Church was the arbiter of both Christendom and cohesiveness for humanity.

- Then in the 16th century, the Protestant deformers preached revolt against the Church.

- Temporal kings and princes supported them. This way, they would not have to answer to any authority but themselves – and so they could get away with whatever they set up for themselves.

- Thereafter, both politically and religiously, Europe flatly went to pieces. But having abandoned the religious continuity and authority of the Catholic Church, Protestants found themselves without any religious authority between them.

- That's when they concocted the idea that the Bible was the sole authority needed, and they could interpret it, each to himself.
Of course, the Bible, itself, never makes such claims. It says scripture is good for teaching and learning how to live righteously, and it describes this in prose, literature, and action, but it never claims to be the sole authority over men... or that men should jump off on their own to wave it around and decipher it.

- But men, being men, they pushed ahead anyway and made the Bible mean what they liked. In so doing, they put an extraordinary variety of interpretations upon it, and set up a dizzying variety of independent sects - “denominations” they like to call themselves.
This was not in keeping with Christ's institution of ONE church, the One Church he founded on Peter - “one fold,” as he put it - but that was handily ignored and did not matter to those prideful men.
They assured themselves that they had figured out what God REALLY wanted, and they were going to see to it that we got it - or else.

- This self-directed path led into an era of religious wars and persecutions, theoretically in the name of God, but really in the name of mens dominance over one another.

- Eventually, many Protestants, tired of dissensions and infighting, drifted from religion altogether. In the 18th century, a wave of “rationalism” swept Europe (denying the Christian religion altogether) and insisting that man should take off alone - again - this time supported only by his supposedly superior reason.

- At that point, faith in God was shunned, duty to Gods commands was dispensed with, and any concept of man's future destiny was trashed.
Finally, the rush for this world's goods was on.
It was a question of the survival of the fittest. With no shred of restraint from religious or moral scruples remaining, the few lucky ones enriched themselves, leaving the mass of the laboring classes in appalling poverty and insecurity.

- National rivalries swelled, every man and every nation for itself. This reached a culminating point in the First World War. That was followed by the efforts of Fascists and Communists to build up their Totalitarian States, but with no return to God and to religion. The result was almost the complete enslavement of their subjects... and another 
devastating global war.

Still today, we battle between two poles - the control of men by the State, on the one hand, or the control of men by the enriched few.
And the lines betwen them are blurring; the one constant is the control of all men by a few irrelious men, who claim to have rationalism as their bulwark.

The road to the so-called freedom of men promised by rationalism and irreligion was, and is in fact, a fiasco.

Have you noted the sequence?
> The Catholic religion had built up our civilization.
> With Protestantism, its disintegration began.
> Rationalism, secularism and godlessness soon followed, with rampant injustice, discontent and catastrophe along for the ride.

The conclusion is obvious: the only real hope for the future is a return to the Catholic religion in both belief and literal practice.
No other remedy will go deep enough to provide any lasting benefit.

From the "Radio Replies" series:


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