In the previous post to Catholicity, we addressed the tendency to keep quiet when the Catholic faith is attacked. How far will we go, though?.....    

Thinking about how Jesus drove the money-changers out of the Temple, and Psalm 69: “For zeal for thy house has consumed me,” I was reminded of the disgraceful behavior of Alphabet Activists who staged an outrageous mockery of a funeral service at St. Patrick’s cathedral in New York just two weeks prior.

The money-changers were only buying and selling. They were not using the Temple to celebrate one who was described by activists as, “the mother of all whores,...” in short, a transvestite prostitute. To make matters worse, these so-called 'activists' lied about their intent for the service, which was to make their usual mockery of the Church and its holy space. Yet unlike the money changers, they were not driven out of St. Patrick’s.

Once the cathedral staff realized what they were doing in the church, they forbid serving a Mass...halting at least that blasphemy and who knows what more. But the show went on anyway.

The New York archdiocese expressed “outrage over the scandalous behavior,” and held a Mass of reparation on the down low. Me, I wonder why ANY service was allowed that day, once the plans of the organizers were revealed.

How was such a large funeral service arranged, for a well-known, "transgender activist and actress, former sex worker and vocal, professed atheist” in the first place?
Why did the priest-celebrant show no sign of discomfort at the behavior of the assembly?

Were there any ushers? Security guards?

Where was the “zeal for thy house?”

We probably have a partial answer to these questions in Father James Martin, SJ, a leading supporter of homosexual Catholics, who told the New York Times that it was “wonderful” to celebrate the life of Gentili in the New York cathedral.
However, once the feces had hit the fan, he back-pedaled, saying he made that statement before he saw what unfolded at the gathering.
He at least conceded that some of the behavior was “disrespectful of the sacred space.”

Afterwards, the archdiocese downplayed the episode, and the Cardinal lauded the cathedral staff for stopping any further travesty.
But the organizers of the service, a group called Gays & Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society (GLITS), would not let it go.
They held a press conference to display their ignorance of the faith and to protest the, “painfully dismissive and exclusionary language” used by the New York archdiocese, and the “rash decision” to forbid the Mass.

So after lying about their intent, then using the cathedral to stage a lurid bacchanalia of their sexual indulgence - and a mockery of the Catholic faith – the GLITS demanded an apology from the archdiocese.

Again a verse comes to mind, this time from Yeats, in "The Second Coming":

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

With conviction and intensity, GLITS and its ideological cohorts in the "sexual revolution" made their clandestine plans, and carried them out.
They burst into the New York cathedral, after hiding their designs to encourage their supporters and shame their opponents. Having done that, they took the logical next step: they demanded that the people they had insulted apologize for being outraged at their despicable actions.

Shortly after the incident in St. Patrick’s cathedral, the advocacy group CatholicVote reported that this was the 400th assault on a Catholic church in the US in the past four years.
That comes to roughly two incidents of violence, mayhem, blasphemt, or vandalism directed at our churches every week.

And since Catholic pastors prefer not to report the ugly incidents, we won't be surprised to find those numbers grossly understated. We sand-blast the walls to erase the obscene graffiti, we repair the broken statues, and we pretend not to hear the shouted blasphemies and abusive interruptions.
Occasionally we plead for protection from law-enforcement officials. But, if elected officials are in cahoots with the ideological groups that spawn anti-Catholic bigotry, those pleas go unheard.

We American Catholics, and our churches, are under assault, and Jesus told us we could expect as much.
Certainly not always, certainly not everywhere, but the trend is ominous.
The question is: Do we have the conviction to live for Christ and resist this trend?
And who is next, after us?

Excerpted and edited from an article by Philip Lawler at


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