LENT: THURSDAY OF WEEK 1 - Jesus Again Foretells His End


Jesus said to the apostles... “when I sent you forth, without money bag, or a sack, or sandals, were you in need of anything?”
“No, nothing,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “But now, one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.
For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in me, namely: 'He was counted among the wicked' and, indeed, what is written about me is coming to fulfillment.
Then they said, “Lord, look - there are two swords here.
But He replied, “That is enough.”

- Luke 22:35-38

Earlier, when Jesus sent out the disciples, he spoke of a money bag, sack, and sandals. Now he speaks of a money bag, sack and

What gives?

He is speaking symbolically, referring to 3 separate, but interconnected thoughts...

1. He speaks of Himself, who has given to us, who had nothing, all the “wealth” of the Kingdom of God

2. He alludes to the idea that we who have been given this 'wealth' should arm ourselves with the weapons of Gods grace.

3. He speaks of the coming time when persecution will befall Him, despite His gifts.

The disciples missed the point, as was usual at this early stage. They took him literally – they jump to the chest nearby and produce two swords.
His response amounts to... “Knock it off. Enough of that.”

Don't we also miss the point sometimes?
Aren't we also taught to be quick with the sword?
Don't we all have our own “swords”... we glare
daggers at someone, we have sharp tongues, we make cutting remarks, etc.

The point here is this:
Throughout Lent, we will watch Jesus, He who has bestowed upon us all the “riches” (money bag) of Gods Kingdom, we will see Him face several “swords:” mockery, manhandling, brutal torture, and ultimately death...even as He saves us.

The early Christians applied a passage from Isaiah to him:

“He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he opened not his mouth.

- Isaiah 53:7

How did He do that? How COULD He do that?
How can I be armed with Gods grace so that I might do that?

Perhaps we should ask Him.

- Adapted from, "The Little Black Book - 6 Minute Devotions"


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