
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sheen on the Church, Conclusion

   This is Part 2, of an introduction by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, to the  "Radio Replies" series of Catholic religion questions and answers.       Fulton Sheen was the first electronic evengelist of national prominance, and more popular than Milton Ble, at a time when "Uncle Milty" ruled the airwaves. He was a familiar voice to tens of millions through across half of the 20th Century.      Archbishop Sheen's style is both compelling, educated - and uncompromising. This feels blunt to the modern ear, since today's reader expects a sugar-coated reality.  But the intention of the series was, and still is, to explain the truths of the Church to people with many notions ABOUT that Church - but very little fact or understanding.      A link to p art 3, the stunning Conclusion," is found at the bottom, along with a link to t he entire ' Radio Replies'  series - all five volumes and 5,000+ questions and  answers!   ===== ✠ ====      This "Radio

Sheen on the Church part 2 - The Trouble With Christians

   This is Part 2, of an introduction by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, to the  "Radio Replies" series of Catholic religion questions and answers.       Fulton Sheen was the first electronic evengelist of national prominance, and more popular than Milton Ble, at a time when "Uncle Milty" ruled the airwaves. He was a familiar voice to tens of millions through across half of the 20th Century.      Archbishop Sheen's style is both compelling, educated - and uncompromising. This feels blunt to the modern ear, since today's reader expects a sugar-coated reality.  But the intention of the series was, and still is, to explain the truths of the Church to people with many notions ABOUT that Church - but very little fact or understanding.      A link to p art 3, the stunning Conclusion," is found at the bottom, along with a link to t he entire ' Radio Replies'  series - all five volumes and 5,000+ questions and answers!   ===== ✠ =====   The Trouble With Ch

Sheen on the Church, Part 1 - How to Find Christ's True Church

   This is Part 1, of an introduction by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, to the  "Radio Replies" series of Catholic religion questions and answers.       Fulton Sheen was the first electronic evengelist of national prominance, and more popular than Milton Ble, at a time when "Uncle Milty" ruled the airwaves. He was a familiar voice to tens of millions through across half of the 20th Century.      Archbishop Sheens style is both compelling, educated - and uncompromising. This feels blunt to the modern ear, since today's reader expects a sugar-coated reality.  But the intention of the series was, and still is, to explain the truths of the Church to people with many notions ABOUT that Church - but very little fact or understanding. A link to p art 2, entitled, "The Trouble With Christians," is found at the bottom, along with a link to t he entire ' Radio Replies'  series - all five volumes and 5,000+ questions and answers!  ===== ✠ ===== Archbishop Sh

The Protestant Reformation - Against God and Jesus, Pt. 2

    Being myself a former Lutheran, The Protestant Reformation was a big deal for us. We patted ourselves on the back for our sect being the first one started by the key Reformationist, himself, Martin Luther.      However, we never admitted that there are IMPROPER responses to sin and corruption in the Church, which include deliberately formulating and teaching false teachings that are contrary to the dogmas of the Church. That part was, and still is, conveniently left out when the so-called "Reformation" is discussed.      Contrary to popular, secular beliefs, the Church does  not  want to hold people in chains. Many complain with that sort of verbiage, mostly because they are rather like spoiled children and don't like, “being told what to do.” Again, that is more modern entitlement thinking creeping in.      Rather, The Church has as its focus the fact that Christ instituted only ONE Church, The Catholic Church, with,... “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and

The Protestant Reformation - Against God and Jesus, Pt 1

       Recently, a man of my aquaintance was told by a fellow Catholic that the Protestant, “Reformers” were justified in rebelling against the Catholic Church, because there was a lot of sin and corruption back then.      To be clear, he was half-right. There was sin and corruption in The Church. But that does not justify Protestants furthering the sin in their own way.     U nfortunately, t hat is an all too-common notion in our day, one borne of the Modernists sense of entitlement. Essentially, it says that if you don't like something in the world, you can do whatever you want to satisfy yourself (self-justification).      Sometimes you NEED to do something, for example, as in the case of spouse abuse. But that is not what is implied in this sullen, entitlement attitude.      In response, however, we must distinguish between genuine reform, and schism/heresy.       We Catholics admit there was sin and corruption in the Catholic Church in the 1500’s, so you don't hurt our f

Sins Are Like Mushrooms

  Mushrooms, Fungi — And Our Sins By Dr. Jeff Mirus  (  bio  -  articles  -  email  ) | May 28, 2024, edited for length      My wife and I have been battling mushrooms amid the lush grass in one section of our front yard. A few normally pop up here and there, but this Spring there have been hordes of them, especially after significant rain, for they love moisture.    And according to knowledgeable authorities, there isn’t a great deal you can do about this, as the cure makes things worse for the lawn.      The mushrooms, you see, are a symptom of fungi growing in crisscrossing mats under the soil, feeding on, “fallen leaves, twigs, old grass clippings, animal waste, buried wood, old stumps, and dead or dying tree roots.” And, lo and behold, we removed a large tree from that section of the yard 3 years ago.     All of which leads me to contemplate a spiritual problem! Faulty regimen      My wife and I browse over the lawn’s surface in the mornings, pulling up the new mushrooms that spri